Rujoum is a spiritual guidebook helping you to wake up.
Follow The Stones
/roo·joom/ - (n.) (رُجْم ,רוג'ם) Hebrew • Arabic. A stack of stones used to mark the way.
Meditation, mindfulness, and manifestation techniques are tools to lead you to a joyous life, a life of self-expression, success, wealth, powerful co-creation, and flow.
We aren’t taught how to put these tools together. That’s our goal here. We are currently a blog. Courses and tools will follow.
Join for a free online, hour long session every Monday at 12pm ET. Please contact me if you would like attend.
Beginner Material!
The Intro The Final JourneyA PathThe Practical Guide: What Should I Do First?Where Are We Going?
Our Blog
ManifestingManifestation is the direction of Source energy through you towards things. We teach you how to stop resisting this flow.
Additional Topics
MeditationMeditation is how we reduce resistance to the flow. Once we have reduced resistance, then we can direct that energy.
ConsciousnessUnderstand who you are, who you are not, and how reality is simply a reflection of your inner world.
Short Stories
A Story: The ClimbDonate
This is a passion project dedicated towards sharing what I have found to be a transformative practice and mindset. If you found this work helpful, consider sending a small donation to support me:
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